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Monday, 7 January 2013

Morphing and fusion of two pictures by photoshop complete tutorial

Many of the visitors would have come here searching for morphing that is to make fusion of two pictures to make a picture which is quite amazing and professional.You can do it with photoshop with the tutorial below.
Follow the tutorial:-

In this tutorial, I will show you how to apply a fusion/fade effect between two images with photoshop.

This is the result you will get at the end of this tutorial:

These are the images we going to use in this tutorial:

First create a 780px * 496px photoshop document.
Copy the images in two different layers.
Add a Layer Mask on the first image.

Using the Gradient Tool (G) trace a gradient from black to white like in this image:

                         Ask in the comment for more tutorials or tricks

Now you can apply the mask by doing a right click on the mask and clicking on Apply Layer Mask:

That's it, you should get something similar to:

Thank you and I hope this tutorial will be useful.


  1. great tutorial ,very welll descibed

  2. very helpful post thanks +1 and like for this post surely


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